Perhaps, you with no problem wake up early at dawn full of desire to enter a new day and in that case my idea will be of no interest to you. But maybe you are unable to wake up even by the sound of an alarm clock, or you hate the alarm clock sound, but you still want to be sure that you wake up at the exact hour and don’t miss what you have in front of you to do. If so, then you may be interested in my idea of an alarm clock that will not ring, but would at the given hour release a powder of wasabi root in the direction of your bed. There exist fire systems like this. It would be certainly more pleasant to be woken up by wasabi than be sprayed with water from jets somewhere in a hotel. Wasabi contains a substance called sinigrin, which, in its process of change, irritates the nasal mucosa so much that you simply can’t help it but be alarmed. Wasabi wakes up sleepers even from the hardest sleep.

Wasabi better in moderate quantity!

Whenever guests in Miyabi ask for a lot of wasabi, I am afraid that they will pick up and eat a lump of it straight forward … I saw people doing so. The situation I remember most is one party organized by a Japanese company in Miyabi for their Czech employees. The program also included a social game. We were asked to prepare twenty tiny temarizushi, all the same, but to one of the piece we were to hide a ball of wasabi. Pretty big ball. It is said „The guest is our Lord “, so we did it. None of the company’s employees knew what a social game would come, and they could have no idea of wasabi in one of that beautifully round sushi. The Japanese supervisor invited everyone to stand and form a circle and then with tray in his hands he offered sushi. He knew what he was offering, but showed warm hospitality. I also knew that there was wasabi in one temari, but I was very nervous about who would “lick it”. Everyone took one piece of wonderfully looking sushi with care and expectation. It was temari with smoked salmon. Twenty people wondered what the game is about, but only until the one unfortunate among them experienced the wasabi attack. He was almost fainting. I see him like today. It was quite rough. Not funny at that very moment. Then the Japanese leader spontaneously and wittily asked for a bowl of wasabi, took a fairly large portion and in front of everyone put it in his mouth. He swallowed the wasabi heroically and behaved like nothing was happening. He played his role of responsible leader masterfully. Maybe he had already tried it before, maybe there is a technique of wasabi ingestion, I don’t know, but I admired him.

Yeah, yeah, with wasabi just right! Sometimes I see a guest making a thick porridge from wasabi and soy sauce and coating sushi or sashimi by it with gusto. Everyone like what they prefer, but I would be careful with wasabi. In addition, the truth is that wasabi is only added to raw fish sashimi in Japan. And even according to the most refined manners, wasabi is not mixed into soy sauce, but slightly, just a little, the gourmet takes it in chopsticks, adds it to a piece of fish and then lightly dips in soy sauce and then enjoys the whole palette of flavours. Similarly, a bit of wasabi could be added to a bite of sushi if the guest thought the chef had rubbed too little wasabi under the fish. In nigiri, wasabi is almost always put in between fish and sushi rice. In the case of maki, wasabi may not be put in, but it can. In Miyabi we decided to serve wasabi automatically on plates with sushi, because it is widespread that way in our countries and guests want it. We even offer the option to order additional wasabi and believe it or not, it’s happening. In any case, Wasabi is an important part of sashimi and sushi, not only for good taste, but also for health. It will help against stray bacteria. I’m just amazed that guests want big balls of wasabi. For me personally, wasabi is always left on my plate. I don’t want to change the elegant taste of the fish too much. Just a little and the wasabi flavour will show up. But everyone probably has their a little, little differently.

Wasabi from the root wasabi in contrast of wasabi, which we usually eat.

It is a pity that few among us had the opportunity to enjoy real wasabi. Wasabi is a wrinkled layered root on the surface while fresh green inside, and a lot of attention and respect is given to it. In order not to change the taste, it is not grated on a metal, but rather on a wooden grater with shark skin or shark teeth crush. When you come to Miyabi, tell me, I’ll show you. From the wasabi root – when you luckily have it – it is wise to grate only a little and serve immediately, because the taste quickly loses its qualities. Wasabi is a treasure. It is most often grown in water and the process is not easy at all. It needs crystal clear and constantly flowing cold water and a lot of care. It does not tolerate direct sunlight or high temperatures. Water terraced gardens with wasabi can be found on streams below Mount Fuji in its homeland Shizuoka Prefecture or in mountain valleys, often in the Japanese Alps. Definitely worth a visit. And give yourself time, because you can sit and perceive the whole scenery as if you were in a beautiful temple with a garden. In some places for tourists you can indulge in some food with fresh wasabi. It’s worth it, because otherwise the wasabi can be very expensive.

Wasabi, which we serve you in Miyabi or you can buy in an Asian shop, is a paste or powder, where most of the content is from horseradish, which is common in our regions. It can be grown faster and cheaper, while having similar qualities of irritability and antibacterial activity, so when a green colour and the appropriate wasabi taste are added, pretty good substitute is born. The true wasabi in it may end up being only five percent. In Miyabi we use a Japanese wasabi product of relatively good quality and for some dishes such as beef steak we use kizamiwasabi, that is chopped wasabi root and stems mixed with other ingredients. This weekend, when Miyabi will pay tribute to wasabi, you can remember and order our steak with kizamiwasabi. It’s on our permanent offer. With the same wasabi, we will prepare also a tofu dish – the kizamiwasabi agedófu cubes with tentsuyu. I also recommend our Minafritky natto, where wasabi forms an interesting flavour. We have only recently introduced them. It is a new Miyabi dish. Enjoy your meal.

Wasabi is a great material.

And what can wasabi give you? Above all, experience and inspiration. It is so strong that it also appears in design. One in sneakers. They have a sole like a green wasabi root. In addition, when they were given the name Wasabi, they sell well. I can also imagine a hat Wasabi or knitted sweater Wasabi. Wasabi is just in! It addresses. And sushi certainly contributed to its popularity. Everyone wants sushi! And that’s good. Miyabi was not created as a sushi restaurant and we are not just about sushi, but where we would be without sushi. So, Glory to sushi!

In sushi / sashimi, wasabi is almost essential for its quality antibacterial effect. Because the work is often with raw fish. As you know, soy sauce, gari ginger and vinegar in rice also contribute to the same purpose. The Japanese have thought it through very well! Wasabi is healthy – it contains vitamin C, potassium, calcium and magnesium. It is also said to have anti-cancer effects. It contains a lot of fibre, but wasabi can’t be eaten much anyway. Or can be? Don’t be destroyed like the guest at that Japanese party in Miyabi. And don’t worry, we won’t insert a treacherous wasabi ball into your temari or other sushi, unless it’s at the special request of someone of your fellow diners.

But, after all … tears from the excess of merriment… they are also needed, right? With wasabi you can laugh and tear in one sitting!

Yours, Miyabi Darja

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